DID – new DVD

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A Logical Way of Being” is the title of a new information and training DVD providing an introduction to Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) and other complex dissociative disorders such as DDNOS (Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified). The DVD has been produced by First Person Plural, a survivor-led association for DID and other dissociative disorders.

The DVD provides viewers with information about the primary features of dissociative disorders and how these arise as a result of early traumatic abuse, whether sexual abuse, physical or emotional abuse.

The dissociative disorders are believed to be more common than statistics in this country suggest and it is certainly the case that the majority of sufferers experience difficulty in obtaining a correct diagnosis and treatment. “A Logical Way of Being” is aimed at professionals working in the field, but will also be useful for adults who have been diagnosed as having DID or DDNOS and their families and friends. The film features three experts who live with DID and three mental health professionals from the NHS and private sector – Dr Mike Lloyd, Remy Aquarone and Sue Richardson.

The DVD may be ordered via FPP’s website: www.firstpersonplural.org.uk

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