The Church of England has recently published a new policy and guidance document for churches to respond well to those who have been sexually abused.
The document, which has been authorised by the House of Bishops, has been produced by a working group which includes both experts in safeguarding and those who have suffered personal traumas.
The policy sets out firm expectations for the quality of response to be made by those responsible at parish, diocese and national level.
It includes pointers for what makes a church a safe place for someone to feel confident that they can disclose their experience, as well as suggestions on how to respond if someone shares their experience.
To download a copy of the document please click here
Sections include:
- Needs of those who have been abused
- Awareness in worship
- Correcting myths
- What is sexual abuse?
- Sexual images on the internet
- The impact of sexual abuse
- The impact on sexuality
- Surviving sexual abuse
- About disclosures
- Listening and responding well
- Disabilities and abuse
- Spiritual abuse
- Ritual abuse
- Cultural abuse
- Healing and wholeness
- The issue of forgiveness