Black men on the couch

Black men on the couch

Why do so few black men seek psychotherapy?

And, come to think of it, why do so few black men become psychotherapists?

A guest psychotherapist will be exploring this in conversation with poet Lemn Sissay.

Black men on the couch will be taking place at the Theatre Royal Stratford East in London on Sat 30 July at 7.30pm. For more information and to book ticketsĀ click here

Lemn Sissay was the first poet to be commissioned to write for The Olympics and his poem Spark Catchers will be etched into a structure in the Olympic Park. He is author of five poetry collections and his play “Something Dark” has been on tour around the world for seven years. For more information on Lemn click here.

If you are a black man and would be interested in psychotherapy in London please click here.




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